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Shepherding Pastors of Martin Luther Church have been;

Paulwyn Lee Boliek (Feb. 5, 1961 – June 30, 1971),

Marvin Thomas Sublett (Dec. 16, 1971 – Nov. 30, 1974),

Charles Edward Bernhardt (May 1, 1975 – Jan. 15, 1984),

James Leon “Chip” Lingle, Jr. (Aug. 1, 1985 – Nov. 15, 1991),

Steven David Rosebrock (July 1, 1992 – Aug. 28, 1998),

James Stanley Vargo (June 1, 1999 – March 5, 2000),

Glenn L. London, Jr. (Sept. 9, 2001 – Aug. 31, 2004), and

Stephen G. Cooper (Aug. 6, 2006 – June 1, 2013). 

We are currently being led by Thomas A. Cassem as our Interim Pastor. 


Martin Luther Church disciples are involved in many community projects including; James Island Outreach, Tri-County Veterans Support Network, Tricounty Family Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Cub Scouts, Respite Care Charleston, Alcoholics Anonymous, Postpartum Support Charleston and other Community Ecumenical / Worship Service projects. 


Another son of the congregation, Philip H. Harkey, was ordained in 2009.


In 2014 and 2015, stained glass windows were added to the Sanctuary and Narthex of Martin Luther church, creating a beautiful visual manner to glorify God.  


The Martin Luther Church Mission Statement adopted in 2007 declares the following: 


Our Mission

 “A Caring Family of God”


Brought together by Grace

Nourished by the Word

Led by the Spirit

Sent out in Service

To Share God’s Love



Our Vision

To be the extended Family of God for those in our community; reaching out to those searching for a church home, caring for the poor and those in need, and offering ministries for children, youth and adults.


Our Values

  • We are all children of the same heavenly Father and brothers and sisters in faith

  • We are all in need of God’s love and grace

  • We are all called to become disciples of Jesus;

    • living a life of prayer

    • studying God’s Word

    • offering to God our worship and praise

    • inviting others to “come and see”

    • encouraging one another in the faith

    • serving all in need

    • and giving in joyful response for all that God has so graciously given us

To read a detailed report of the beginning of Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church written by Richard Jantzen, Sr. 

Click HERE.

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